How can I get involved?

We need people like you to help push our mission forward! Here are a couple of ways you can get involved now: Join us at a meeting. Donate today to help move our mission forward and keep Georgia blue!

How can I get a copy of my ID to vote?

If you need a copy of your ID to include with your mail-in ballot, please contact us and someone will help you get a copy to include.

How do I get to the polls?

If you need assistance getting to the polls during early voting or on election day, please contact us or call this number. Someone will help you get to the polls. Voting is a right that no one can take away.

How do I register to vote?

Start by going to the Secretary of State of Georgia’s My Voter Page. If you need further assistance, please contact us and someone will reach out to see how we can help.

Where do I vote?

Go to My Voter Page to find your polling place.

Can I vote early?

Republicans in this state have changed the rules. Senate Bill 202 changed the laws in Georgia. Please be careful with your ballot. Mail-in ballots can be requested here no earlier than FOUR (4) weeks before an election and must be returned by the Friday before election day, NOT JUST POSTMARKED! It is recommended that you request and return your ballot as soon as possible.